- 論文の詳細を見る
The authors studied on the effects of the treatments on keeping quality of bass, Lateolabrax japonicus. The results are shown in Tables 1 and 2, and summarized as.follows; 1) The appearance of dressed fish which had been sealed in polyethylene tube was excellent in early stage of storage with regards dehydration and oxidation, but the freshness was not always good after long storage time. 2) There is no remarkable difference between the freshness of fish which had been precooled by dipping in brine (-19°C.) for 10 minutes or by leaving in a cooler (-10°C.) for 2 hours. This may be due to the destruction of frozen tissue owing to over cooling. Therefore, it was unsuccessful to determine a condition of pre-cooling fish. 3) The quality of fish which had been narcotized in 1% urethane solution for 90 seconds after capture was the most excellent of all treatments.
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