A case of sporadic type A hepatitis with cholestasis, hepatic coma and acute renal failure.
- 論文の詳細を見る
A 37-year-old man with sporadic type A hepatitis developed cholestasis, hepatic coma and acute renal failure.<BR>On the 3th day since the onset, anuria was accompanied and it continued until the 35th day.<BR>Peritoneal dialisis was performed every day, and the patient was relieved from acute renal failure. Since the 8th day, disturbance of conciousness above than grade II hepatic coma continued with the peak level of grade V at the 20th day. Exchange blood transfusions were performed 6 times, and the patient recovered clear conciousness. Jaundice continued more than one month duration, and the liver biopsy taken at the 141th day showed characteristic findings of mixed type cholestasis.<BR>In this case, we started early preventive therapy of DIC with combination of fresh frozen plasma, little dose of heparin and gabexate mesilate (FOY). It is thought that these medications acted as important factors for life relief of the patient.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
小笠原 正洋
旭川医科大学医学部 微生物学講座
草野 満夫
秋山 建児
片山 英昭
石井 兼央
建部 高明
岩田 光高
菅原 武久
竹嶋 康人
建部 高明
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