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We studied stress-induced voiding under via-holes in copper interconnects. The internal stress developed in copper interconnects was analyzed by using a finite-element method. The intrinsic stress of the construction materials was measured to analyze the internal stress. We investigated the relationship between the analyzed copper-line stress under the via-hole and the increase in electrical resistance of copper-interconnect-structure test samples. By comparing the results, it was found that the resistance due to the growth of stress-induced voids increases with the increase in the copper-line stress and in the stress gradient. Furthermore, molecular dynamics simulations showed that both the stress and stress gradient activate copper-atom diffusion, which is a dominant factor in void growth. Therefore, the reduction of the copper-line stress and stress gradient is important in suppressing the growth of stress-induced voids.
島津 ひろみ
島津 ひろみ
島津 ひろみ
岩崎 富生
(株) 日立製作所 日立研究所
石川 憲輔
(株)日立製作所 マイクロデバイス事業部
島津 ひろみ
(株) 日立製作所 日立研究所
大島 隆文
(株)日立製作所 マイクロデバイス事業部
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