HLA-DR and CD 45 RO expression on CD 8+ cells in infants with cytomegalovirus infection.
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15 patients were diagnosed as having cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection based on the positive reaction to antiCMV-IgM, and -IgG and clinical symptomes. The expression of CD 4, CD 8, HLA-DR, IL 2 Rβ, CD 7, CD 45 RA and CD 45 RO in peripheral blood mononuclear cells were examined on flow cytometrical analysis. The mean (±SD) proportion and number of CD 8 positive (CD 8+) cells were 36.7± 9.0%, and 4, 762±1, 162 cells/μl for the infants with CMV infection and 20.9±5.0%, and 1, 414±127 cells/μl for healthy infants: the ratio of CD 4+ cells to CD 8+ cells was significantly decreased and the number of CD 8+ cells was significantly increased compared with those in healthy infants. The expression of HLA-DR, IL 2 Rβ and CD 45 RO on CD 8+ cells were increased. The marked increase of CD 45 RO expression and the decrease of CD 7+ cells, as observed in infectious mononucleosis caused by EB virus were not observed in CMV infection.
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