Immunological Studies of Aging:I. Age-related Impairment of Neutrophil Functions in the Human
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Neutrophils from 25 elderly persons (70 to 80 yr.) and from 15 young persons (<50 yr.) were investigated for their ability to produce chemotactic activity, phagocytic activity and oxygen intermediates (O_??_, H2O2, OH• and chemiluminescence). Neutrophils from old donors produced less chemotactic activity than did neutrophils from young donors as defined by either agarose plate method or Boyden chamber method (p<0.001). In contrast, phagocytic activity and production of oxygen intermediates by neutrophils from young and old donors were comparable. The selective failure in the chemotaxis of neutrophils associated with aging could contribute, at least in part, to the increase with age in the incidence of infectious diseases.
- 日本臨床免疫学会の論文
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- Immunological Studies of Aging:I. Age-related Impairment of Neutrophil Functions in the Human