- 論文の詳細を見る
Three patients were refered to our clinic because of a history of progressive diffuse swelling of the infraorbital region. There had been no previous history of paranasol sinusitis. Because of suspected malignauny exploratory operation was perfortmed and biopsies obtained. At opereton a firm elastic tumor was located in the subdermal layers of the infraorbital fossa. The surface of the maxilla was rough and the mucosa fo the maxillary sinus was hyperplastic in apperance. pathological reports of the biopsies taken indicated non-specific inflammatory changes in the mucosa of the maxillary sinuses. Also reported were fibroplastic changes in the maxillary bone marrow which was diagnosed as osteomyelitis plastica. The pathological findings above have encouraged us to postulate that the maxillary osteomyelitis- most likely developed from a sub-clinical maxillary sinusitis and the non-specific granulomatous tumors of the infraorbital region were a secondary extension of the inflammatory process from they infected maxilla.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
大和田 一郎
広瀬 肇
沢木 修二
沢木 修二
横浜市大 耳鼻科
広瀬 肇
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