- 論文の詳細を見る
1)The reaction of the palatine tonsil irradiated by radon-seed 1 mili-curi in ra- dioactivity, which was inserted into the tonsil itself, was observed.The radon-seed was applied with the purpose of the treatment of the chronic tonsillitis or the hyperplastic tonsil on 196 cases.The tonsil became small and the attack of the acute inflam- mation decreased after the irradiation. 2)From the histopathological examination of the sixteen irradiated tonsils follo- wing results were obtained.The tonsil showed the remarkable change on its structure after ten days irradiation, and its germinal centers diminished.But after one month, the regenerative process was observed and it returned to almost normal structure one year after the irradiation. 3)As the conclusion from these results it can be said that the irradiation therapy is very effective clinically in the treatment of the chronic tonsillitis or the hyperplastic tonsil, and that this simple and harmless treatment has almost the same effect with the irradiation by the X-ray.
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