- 論文の詳細を見る
Immunological responses in 49 cancer patients with head and neck regions were evaluated by the count of blood lymphocyte, T cell and B cell, S. I. value with PHA-mitogen, the complement level (CH50) and the amount of immunogloblin (IgG, IgA, IgM) before and after operation. The count of blood lymphocyte and S. I. value in the group with good prognosis increased and complement level (CH50) decreased after operation. In contrast, in the group with poor prognosis, the count of blood lymphocyte and S. I. value decreased and complement level increased after operation. Then, the immunological status of patients with head and neck cancer was classified into four stages according to S. I. value and complement level. Namely, stage I was applicable to the cases in which S. I. value was more than 100 and CH50 level was less than 42. Stage II was applicable to those in which S. 1. value was more than 100 andCH5o level was more than 42. In stage III, S. I. value was less than 100 and CH50 level was less than 42. In stage IV, S. I. value was less than 100 and CH50 level was more than 42. Stage III was divided into subclass IIIa and IIIb depending on whether the count of blood lymphocyte was more or less than 1400. The patient with good prognosis after operation belonged to stage I, II and III., whereas the patient with poor prognosis belonged to stage IIIb and IV. It was observed that the immunological evidence of poor prognosis appeared about 2 months prior to the clinical manifestation of aggravation of the disease. These results suggest that this immunological classification is usefull to follow up the status of the cancer patient after operation.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
北原 哲
聖マリアンナ医科大学 耳鼻咽喉科
竹山 勇
大竹 英夫
河合 清隆
菱沼 文彦
中島 幸洋
北原 哲
竹山 勇
大竹 英夫
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