蝸牛脂質代謝に関する研究(第1報) : オートラジオグラフィー的研究
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The lipid metabolism in the guinea pig cochlea was studied by means of autoradiography with 3H-glycerol. Following results were obtained.1) In this autoradiographic study, the most heavily labelled cells were the outer hair cells, especially intensive along the cell membrane, where there were the sheets of endoplasmic reticulum (subsurface cisterna).2) In the hair cells the radioactivity increased gradually as the apex was approached, but in the other cells this longitudinal gradient was not seen.3) Kanamycin depressed the incorporation of 3H-glycerol into the hair cells, especially outer hair cells. These results, together with the results obtained by biochemical and histochemical studies (ref. 2nd report), will be discussed in 2nd report.
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- 蝸牛脂質代謝に関する研究(第1報) : オートラジオグラフィー的研究
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