Wegener 氏肉芽腫症及びその類似疾患の血清学的研究
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The serum proteins of Wegeners granulomatons and similar diseases 9cases) and so-called “rhininitis necroticans” (13cases) were investigated with the purpose of clearing up a part of the pathologic mechanics and underlying pathogenesis.As the results of the observations of the total protein, fraction of serum protein by paper electrophoresis and screening tests (CR-, RA-, LE-test), lowering of A/G, the increase of α-, β- and γ- globulin especially of the fast moving γ-globulin and the positive reaction to CR- and RA-test were found.Still more the factors of the RA-test positive and increase of fast moving γ-globulin in these cases were investigated by means of F II precipitating test, DEAE cellulose colomn chromatography, ultracentrifugation and immunoelectrophoresis. The factor of the RA-test positive in these cases was same as the so-called “rheumatoid factor” in 19S macroglobulin. And the factors of the increase of fast moving γ-globulin in paper electrophorsis consisted of a slight increae of macroglobulin, γ2- globulin and the tailing of α- and β-globulin.Otherwise, no particular serum proteins were found by means of polyacrylamide gel electrophoesis and immunoelectrophoresis.To sum up, the important serological findings of Wegeners granulomatosis and similar diseases and some of so-called “rhinitis necroticans” were the slight increase of macroglobulin and the positive reaction to RA-test.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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