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A case with the progressive gangrenous rhinitis was reported.He was a 34-year-old male who unfortunately expired following intestinal bleeding with peritonitis-like symptoms.Improvement in the general condition was the initial step by the administration of medicines and then surgey, radi- ation therapy and steroid hormone treatment were used and a somewhat clinically effective improve- ment in the symptoms was obtained but in using the radiation therapy and the steroid hormones we must take note of the nature of the "iatrogenic disease".We reported the 7 cases with the pro- gressive gangrenous rhinitis seen from 1955 to 1961(5 cases had already died and 2 cases are yet alive) who consulted the OtorhinolaryngologicaIDept.of Osaka University Hospital.According to their clinical findings and examinations, this disease should be suspected when ulceration and granulation, in nasal cavity or accessory nasal cavity, remittent fever(resistant to antibiotics), continual accerelation. of sedimentation rate and no swelling of lymphno des, no specific findings in bacteriology and serology are found.And in such cases it was much better- to improve the general condition and then take- surgical and radiation means immediately.It was- concluded that Survival or follow-up result of this- disease shonld be studied further.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
- 第34回 日本平衡神経科学会
- 第33回 日本平衡神経科学会秋季学会
- 1.前庭感覚上皮の受傷性について/2.耳中毒性薬物による内耳病変/3.免疫学的手法による実験的平衡障害/4.前庭性外直筋活動について/5.平衡機能検査成績の経過観察/6.メニエール病長期観察例より得たる知見
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