バネ式減衰回転椅子による回転検査法 : Rotatory Pattern Test の一つの試み
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In an attempt to simplify rotatory pattern test as a vestibular function test, we devised a revolving chair, rotated by hand, which was first accelerated by a spring and then gradually decelerated (decreased the angular velocity) until its spontaneous cessation of rotation.As a preliminary step, 26 normal persons were tested on the chair.Consequently, the duration of nystagmus observed after spontaneous cessation of rotation showed, regardless of the direction of rotation, linear relation with logarithm of the intensity of stimulation i.e. the angular deflection, with which the chair had been first set.It seems to be probable that each of the labyrinthine and other related disorders may show a more or less characteristic pattern in comparison with the normal accelodecelogram.
- 第34回 日本平衡神経科学会
- 第33回 日本平衡神経科学会秋季学会
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