13. The Characteristics of the Early Cancer of the Lower Rectum and the Anus and its Treatment
- 論文の詳細を見る
Due to the specific anatomical location, the early cancer of the lower rectum and the anus characteristic features in its form, symptoms, diagnosis and surgical treatment.<BR>The epithelium of the area turns from the columnar epithelium of the rectal mucosa to the stratified cuboidal epithelium of the so-called cloacogenic zone, further to modified squamous epithelium of the anoderm and finally to stratified squamous epithelium of the perianal area. Various types of early cancer are to originate from those diversified epithelia.<BR>The early cancer of the area might be difined as those which is not exceeding more than the musculus submucosae ani.<BR>The early cancer of the area is relatively fixed well to the underlying tissues and is forced to be burshed by the passage of the stool so that it shows flatly elevated form withlittle mobility.<BR>Villous adenoma frequently is the precursor of the cancer.<BR>Its treatment should be decided deliberately on the basis of the pathological features of the tumor obtained by the total biopsy.<BR>It is because the radical operation the area inevitably sacrifices the total function of the sphincter.
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
高野 正博
偶越 幸男
岡田 光生
住江 正治
社会保険中央総合病院 大腸肛門病センター
坂田 寛人
社会保険中央総合病院 大腸肛門病センター
有輪 六朗
社会保険中央総合病院 病理
神 淳一
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- 13. The Characteristics of the Early Cancer of the Lower Rectum and the Anus and its Treatment