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The molecular basis of opioid receptor mechanisms was studied in reconstitution experiments using purified or membrane-bound opioid receptors and purified GTP-binding proteins (G-proteins). <B>μ-Opioid receptor</B> exclusively purified from rat brains was reconstituted with G-proteins in lipid vesicles. The μ-agonist stimulated the G-protein activity in both G, or G<SUB>o</SUB>-reconstituted vesicles. The stoichiometry revealed that one molecule of μ-receptor is functionally coupled to plural numbers of G, or G<SUB>o</SUB> molecules and that μ-preceptor exists in at least two different subtypes, μ<SUB>i</SUB> and μ<SUB>o</SUB>, separately coupled to G<SUB>i</SUB> and G<SUB>o</SUB>, respectively. In addition, when the μ-receptor was phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase, the μ-agonist-stimulation of G-protein activity disappeared, while the guanine nucleotide-sensitivity of agonist binding was unchanged. These findings suggest that there are independent domains in the receptor which are related to functional coupling to G-protein and to the agonist-binding modulation by G-protein. <B>κ-Opioid receptor</B> agonist inhibited the G-protein activity in guinea pig cerebellar membranes. Further experiments revealed that the <B>κ-opioid receptor</B> is functionally coupled to an inhibition of phospholipase C activity via an inhibition of G<SUB>i</SUB>-activity. Such a receptor-mediated inhibition of G-protein activity may be the first demonstration of a signal transduction mechanism. The <B>δ-opioid receptor</B> agonist showed no effect on G-protein activity in guinea pig striatal and rat cortical membranes, while it stimulated it in NG108-15 cells. In all these membranes, the δ-agonist binding was markedly reduced by GTPγS in the presence of MgCl<SUB>2</SUB>. These findings suggest that δ-receptors in the brain might be coupled to G-protein without signal transduction.
- 社団法人 日本薬理学会の論文
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