菜種粕の飼料的利用に関する研究(3)シロネズミおよびヒナの甲状腺組織におよぼす影響 : VII. 菜種粕熱水処理の効果
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The present investigation is based on the histological observations of thyroid glands of rats (experiment I and II) and chicks (experiment III and IV) for the counteraction of hot-water treatment to the specific effects of rapeseed oilmeal (RSOM), especially of their follicle size and epithelial cell height. The thyroid glands used were derived from the same animals of the two previous studies7, 8) already published which were fed on the control ration and the experimental rations containing untreated RSOM, hot-water treated RSOM, extracts of RSOM by hot-water and hot-water treated RSOM plus the preceding extracts.Main results obtained in the present four experiments are summarized as follows:The feeding of untreated RSOM did not almost give size difference to the follicle in either rats or chicks, but showed a great increase in the epithelial cell height. In general, another histological changes investigated in the animals fed on untreated RSOM seemed to be similar to the characteristic form of parenchymatous goiter, e. g. absence of follicular colloid, desquamation of epithelial cells, proliferation of parenchymal elements etc.The effects of hot-water treatment on the thyroid glands were presented in the height changes of epithelial cells paralleled with the former sults7, 8), on thyroid weight. The epithelial cells of rats and chicks in each group which were fed on the respective ration containing untreated RSOM, hot-water-extracts or hot-water treated RSOM plus the preceding extracts showed the distinguished increase in their heights more than those of controls. Only a slight increase of cellular height was observed, on the other hand, in hot-water treated RSOM groups. The other histological changes of the thyroid were also like to the above tendency and another thyroid reaction by the hot-water treated RSOM was almost near to normal.The above results are useful for the explanation previously presented in the experiments5-8) of hot-water treatment on the protection of RSOM hazards and the hot-water extracts of RSOM seem to contain a specific factor inducing increase in either thyroid weight or its gland cellular height, but the hot-water treated RSOM has not such a factor.
- 社団法人 日本畜産学会の論文
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