菜種粕の飼料的利用に関する研究 : VI. 菜種粕熱水処理の効果.(2)ヒナにおける効果
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The purpose of the present experiment, using chicks instead of rats in authors previous studies, was to confirm the advantageous effect of hot-water treatment in counteracting the maleficence of rapeseed oilmeal (abridged as RSOM hereafter), and further to confirm whether or not there is any sexually different response to the maleficence of RSOM.Sixty male chicks of day-old White Leghorn were used in the first experiment (I) and 100 females of the same breed in the second (II) respectively. Both groups of chicks, subdivided into 4 subgroups in I and 5 subgroups in II, were fed the respective rations for 4 weeks of which formulae and chemical compositions were given in Table 1 and 2.In experiment I, the growth rate of male chicks in each subgroup was almost similar. No significant differences between control and other three treated subgroups were observed.In experiment II with female chicks, on the contrary, an advantageous effect of hot-water treatment on growth was observed. The growth of female chicks fed a ration contain 10per cent of untreated RSOM was markedly retarded, the differences in weight gain being found to be highly significant (P<0.005) between control and untreated RSOM group. Almost no growth depression, however, was observed in the subgroups fed rations containing treated RSOM. It was further shown that the growth rates of chicks in two subgroups receiving hot-water extract of RSOM were promoted than that of none added group.In the male chicks, the advantageous effect of hot-water treatment in preventing enlargement of thyroid gland was not clearly revealed but it was remarkable in the females. As shown in Table 4, the thyroid weight of females in three subgroups which received rations containing untreated RSOM or its hot-water extract increased significantly (P<0.001) than that in control, whereas that was not remarkably shown in hot-water treated RSOM group.As mentioned above, there was a sexually different response to the specific effect of RSOM on either growth or thyroid gland, e. g. the female chicks were more sensitive than males to the specific effects of the oilmeal.These findings are in good accord with those of former experiments with rats which have been reported in authors previous papers1, 2, 3, 5, 8). Consequently it is indicated that our possible interpretation2, 3) for the specific factors contained in RSOM is applicable to chick.The reduced glutathione levels in liver of male chicks receiving untreated RSOM or its hot-water extract were higher (P<0.05) than those of chicks in basal group.
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