Technique to Prevent Metal Deposition on Optical Components in Space Diode Laser Welding for Space Applications
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In future space developments, welding in space may be required for repairs to the International Space Station and for constructing lunar bases and space structures. This paper describes the results of applying the space diode laser (DL) welding process, which the authors proposed in 2002. To use the DL welding process in space, it is necessary to prevent metal deposition on optical devices. We investigated a technique for preventing metal deposition in which the nozzle is installed at optical devices and a shielding gas is ejected from the nozzle outlet. Metal deposition can be reduced by blowing inert gas from the nozzle. The shielding gas argon completely prevents metal deposition on optical devices when the argon pressure in the nozzle is over 19.9 Pa and argon is ejected from the nozzle outlet.
Hiraoka Nobuaki
Department Of Radiology Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Suita Yoshikazu
Department Of Electro-mechanical Systems Engineering Takamatsu National College Of Technology
Terajima Noboru
Department Of Electro-mechanical Systems Engineering Takamatsu National College Of Technology
Ohtani Masato
Department Of Forest Genetics Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
Tanaka Kenji
Department Of Advanced Energy Engineering Science Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Engineering S
SHOBAKO Shinichiro
Department of Electro-Mechanical Systems Engineering, Kagawa National College of Technology
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