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Flounder herpesvirus (FHV) induces epidermal hyperplasia in larval Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. We examined the influence of ambient oxygen and salinity concentrations on mortality of flounder larvae by FHV infection. FHV-infected fish showed markedly higher mortality than uninfected fish under normoxia (partial oxygen pressure; PO2 = ca. 160 Torr), but survived at high rates under hyperoxia (PO2 = ca. 280 Torr or higher) as in uninfected fish. In the PO2 range from 100 to 400 Torr, infected fish always displayed lower levels of oxygen consumption (MO2) compared to the uninfected fish. Under PO2 of 260 Torr, the 48 h-survival rate of infected fish in diluted seawater (salinity 8 or 16 ppt) was much higher than that in full-strength seawater (salinity 32 ppt). Whole-mount immunocytochemistry to detect Na+/K+-ATPase and Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter of the skin of both infected and uninfected larvae revealed that the infected larvae had a significantly lower number of chloride cells. These results suggest that flounder larvae infected with FHV die of dysfunction in respiration and osmotic regulation.
- 日本魚病学会の論文
Nakai Toshihiro
Graduate School Of Biosphere Sci. Hiroshima Univ.
Hiroi Junya
Department Of Anatomy St Marianna University
廣井 準也
Department Of Anatomy St. Marianna University
Graduate School of Biosphere Sciences, Hiroshima University
難波 憲二
Graduate School Of Biosphere Science Hiroshima University
Namba Kenji
Graduate School Of Biosphere Science Hiroshima University
飯田 悦左
Fisheries And Marine Technology Center
Iida Yoshisuke
Fisheries and Marine Technology Research Center, Hiroshima Prefectural Technology Research Institute
Hiroi Junya
Department of Anatomy, St. Marianna University
Namba Kenji
Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
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