家庭生ゴミ処理方法についての試行実験を踏まえた評価の枠組みに関する考察 : —— 多視点・多基準・多主体を考慮した環境の評価と意思決定支援に向けての試み ——
- 論文の詳細を見る
Evaluation is necessary before implementing any projects or policies, including those in environmental science. To evaluate project or policies, citizens viewpoints are essential. However, citizens are diverse because our society has become more complex in recent years. Therefore, how to evaluate, how to satisfy the required level of accountability, and how to reach a good agreement are problems that must be addressed. In the field of environmental science, we have already developed some methods for addressing such problems, such as carrying out cost-benefit, cost-effective, and multi-criteria analysis. Moreover, we have developed some economic methods for calculating environmental value. However, these methods cannot be used as yet to adequately handle diversity, complexity, and uncertainty. In this study, we discuss the framework of evaluation in terms of multi-frames, multi-criteria, and multi-subjects, particularly with regard to environmental issues. For this purpose, we focus on wastes that are handled by citizens. When a garbage treatment system is selected, we have to try to address all the problems to satisfy as many people as possible, because such a system has a great influence on citizens daily life. Thus, we provide some options regarding garbage treatment, which include the garbage composting system by household unit, community unit and local government unit. We also design a trial experiment. By performing this experiment, we try to determine the extent of this selection problem, and deliberate about the framework of evaluation and decision-making.JEL classification: D70, D81, D82, Q51, D53
- 日本地域学会の論文
萩原 清子
木村 富美子
堀江 典子
(財) 公園緑地管理財団公園管理運営研究所
朝日 ちさと
木村 富美子
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