- 論文の詳細を見る
Thirty nine strains of 24 Vicia species representing the main sections of the genus, have been analyzed for their isozyme patterns by disc electrophoresis of leaf and cotyledon extracts. The enzyme systems studied were amylase, esterase, glutamate oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), indo-phenol oxidase (IPO).Comparing the zymograms obtained, one can arrive at the following conclusions: There are many bands common to species, series of sections and, in contrast, there are some bands differentiating between certain taxonomic categories. Such characterizing bands and patterns do not feature any clear general phylogenetic trend or systematic correlation. The enzymatic similarity does not necessarily correspond with the taxonomic relationships. GOT show lesser polymorphism, compared with amylase and esterase. The latter systems might be helpful in identifying species or strains.Species which are polymorphic in many other characters reveal also enzymatic polymorphism. Other possible correlations are briefly discussed, with a special note on the evolutionary implications of such a study in Vicia.
- 日本遺伝学会の論文
山本 喜良
Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Department of Botany, The Hebrew University
Plitmann Uzi
Department Of Botany The Hebrew University
山本 喜良
Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University
Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University
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