- 論文の詳細を見る
( 1 ) Crossing 22 flowers of Vicia sativa with pollen of V. angustifolia, 3 pods containing 14 seeds in total were obtained. The size of seeds obtained was somewhat smaller than those of the parents, and the numbers of days ne.cessary for germination were larger to some extent than those of the parents. ( 2 ) In F_1, the type of branching, colour of stems and shape of leaflets in the main stem resembled the father plant, while the length of internodes, the shape and colour of stipules and petioles, the shape of leaflets in the lateral stems, the colour and hair of leaflets, the length and colour of tendrils and the colour of petals were inter mediate between the parents. ( 3 ) In F_1 the plant heights were intermediate between the parents 'and the number of branches resembled the father Dlant in November. But in the next April the plant heights were similar and the number of branches more numerous compared with parents. The tirnes of blooming and the maturity of seeds were later by 12 and 6-10 days respectively than the parents. ( 4 ) In the parents and F1, the chromcsome numbers in root tips were 12, and at IM of PMC 6 bivalents were observed and the meiosis proceeds on normally. ( 5 ) The percentage of normal pollen grains were ca. 70-84% in the parents, but ca. 8-10 in F_1 The size of pollen grains was similar to those of the parents but it was smaller in F_1 ( 6 ) The percentage of the number of seeds to that of ovules per pod were ca. 73-79 in the parents and ca. 16-23 in F_1 showing lower fertility.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1955-10-20
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- ソラマメカルス細胞の諸特性に対する培地の効果
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- Vicia amphicarpa 2n=10 と V.amphicarpa, true 2n=14 との雑種
- Vicia pilosaとV. angustifoliaならびにV. PilosaとV. macrocarpaとの種間雑種について
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