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A genetical study on the nucleotide sequences of the nuclear DNAs which share homology with rice mitochondrial plasmid-like DNAs, B1, B2, B3 and B4 was carried out. Restriction fragments of the nuclear DNAs hybridized with these plasmid-like DNAs showed polymorphisms in their length between Indica and Japonica rice cultivars. The hybridized signals found specifically in Indica or Japonica cultivars segregated in the F2 population derived from a cross between these two subspecies. The observed ratio of the nuclear homologues in the F2 population demonstrated that they were transmitted according to the Mendelian inheritance. The co-segregation of homologues was examined and the linkage was detected between the B1-nuclear homologue of Japonica and the B4-nuclear homologue of Indica, and also between the nuclear homologues of B2 and B3 of Indica. The linkage between the B1-nuclear homologue of Japonica and the B4-nuclear homologue of Indica was conserved in the different rice cultivars.
- 日本遺伝学会の論文
金沢 章
Laboratory of Radiation Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo
Tsutsumi Nobuhiro
Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The Unive
National Institute of Agrobiological Resources
National Institute of Agrobiological Resources
YANO Masahiro
Hokuriku National Agricultureal Experiment Station
Tano Shigemitsu
Laboratory of Radiation Genetics and Chemical Mutagenesis, Faculty of Agriculture, the University of
Laboratory of Radiation Genetics and Chemical Mutagenesis, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of
Laboratory of Radiation Genetics, University of Tokyo
Yano Masahiro
Hokuriku National Agricultural Experimental Station Maff
Tano Shigemitsu
Laboratory Of Radiation Genetics And Chemical Mutagenesis Faculty Of Agriculture The University Of T
Tsutsumi Nobuhiro
Laboratory Of Plant Molecular Genetics Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The Univers
Sakamoto Wataru
Laboratory Of Fisheries And Environmental Oceanography Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto Universi
Kanazawa Akira
Laboratory Of Radiation Genetics University Of Tokyo
Saito Akira
National Agricultural Research Center For Kyushu Okinawa Region
TANO Shigemitsu
Laboratory of Radiation Genetics and Chemical Mutagenesis, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo
坂本 亘
Laboratory of Radiation Genetics and Chemical Mutagenesis, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo
岸本 直己
National Institute of Agrobiological Resources
Laboratory of Radiation Genetics and Chemical Mutagenesis, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo
YANO Masahiro
Hokuriku National Agricultural Experimental Station
YANO Masahiro
Hokuriku National Agricultural Experiment Station
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