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A case of primary intrascrotal liposarcoma is reported. A 43-year-old worker visited our clinic on May 22, complaining of the painless mass in the left lower scrotum. The patient noticed the mass four years ago, but no treatment was given due to its spontaneous regression. The mass gradually enlarged, and was observed to have grown to the size of a thumb around May, 1976. On physical and laboratory examination, there was no abnormality except the mass in the scrotum which was very hard in consistency, irregular on the surface and adherent to the intrascrotal wall. The preoperative clinical diagnosis proved it being intrascrotal tumor. The tumor was removed on May 29, 1976. The mass seemed to consist of rough connective tissues surrounding the testis. The left testicle, epididymis and spermatic cord were not involved. Pathohistological diagnoiss of specimen was well differentiated (lipoma-like) liposarcoma. Seventy-seven cases of intrascrotal sarcoma were collected from Japanese literature and a statistical survey was made. In 78 cases there were 48 cases with sarcoma of the spermatic cord, 16 with epididymal sarcoma, and 13 with primary intrascrotal sarcoma. Of the 78 cases with intrascrotal sarcoma., 4 were primary intrascrotal liposarcoma, and 4 lipsarcoma of the spermatic cord. Based on these 8 cases of liposarcoma, the clinical problems such as the age, affected side, location, size, diagnosis and treatment were reviewed.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
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