テンにおける肺吸虫自然感染例の病理学的所見 (第1報) : 宮崎肺吸虫の成虫による病変について
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宮崎肺吸虫の成虫が寄生するテン10例の肺病変について, 病理組織学的に検討を加えた. 肺吸虫症の病理所見に関しては既に多数の先人の業績があり,供試肺の所見は虫嚢並びに虫嚢周囲部の病変を含めて,原則的には諸文献の記載に合致する.ただ供試テンはいずれも感染後の期間がさほど長期にわたるものはないと推定され,そのため病変は比較的新しく陳旧性ではない.すなわち虫嚢壁における結合織増は一般に軽く,嚢壁の薄いものが多い.また虫卵性の病変のうち肉芽腫形成は概して少ない.一方,虫嚢壁の内外及び周囲部(肺胞領域)に出血の傾向が強く,また虫嚢周囲部における気管支系の病変が末梢まで波及するのが目立った.肺胞領域における無気肺や滲出性肺炎はとくに著いものはなく,また増殖性間質性肺炎像は極めて軽微であった. テンは宮崎肺吸虫に感染し易く,その好適宿主と思われる.ただし,供試例の肺病変を見た限りでは,決して病原性が強いとは言えないようである.In the autopsy on 64 heads of Japanese marten (Martes melampus melampus) , caught in the shooting season of 1974-1975 in Miyazaki Prefecture, the natural infection of Paragonimus was recognized in the lungs of 14 examples. Ten examples of them were parasitized by the adults of Paragonimus miyazakii, and the following knowledge was obtained from the histo-pathological observation of lesions. 1. The cystic wall is divided into the inner layer rich in cellular component and the outer layer rich in fibrous component, but a number of cystic walls including the inner and outer layers was generally thin. 2. The cystic wall, a part of which is opened and connected to the bronchial system and the one, the inner surface (free surface) of which is covered by the extending mucosal epithelium of bronchial system were observed. On the other hand, there were apparently not a few of softening colliquative worm-cysts, too. Moreover, the cases of distinguished haemorrhage on cystic wall or cystic cavity were found. 3. The lung tissue surrounding the worm-cyst is called the surrounding area, but it is further divided into the adjacent layer and the external layer which is the outer part. As lesions of the adjacent layer, the atelectasis layer based on the pressure by worm-cyst was recognized, and the part presenting the pneumonic feature was also found. 4. In the findings of external layer, the lesions of bronchial system (catarrhal pneumonitis) extending to the distal part were conspicuous. In the region of alveolar area, the atelectasis and the catarrhal pneumonitis were recognized, but the degree of their lesions was generally low. However, there were some lesions in which the haemorrhage was rather evident and the figure of haemorrhagic pneumonitis appeared. And, the productive interstitial pneumonitis was generally slight. There were many lymphocytes and plasma cells as the infiltrated cells in the parts of lesions, and there were rather few eosinoplil leucocytes, neutroplil leucocytes, and macrophages. 5. A few eggs were recognized in the lumen of cystic cavity, cystic wall, and bronchial system. And also in the surrounding area of worm-cyst, the eggs appeared dispersedly or in groups, but the formation of nodular lesions caused by the eggs or of granuloma caused by the eggs (granuloma vermiculus) was few.
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- 69 畜牛膵蛭症に関する研究 : III.病理学的所見について
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