テンにおける肺吸虫自然感染例の病理学的所見 (第2報) : 未熟虫及び若成虫による病変について
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肺吸虫自然感染テン4例の肺に, 体長2.5~4.0mmぐらいの小型虫の侵入・寄生を認めた.虫種は宮崎肺吸虫と思われるが,寄生肺の病変を病理組織学的に検討した結果, a) 虫体が現に肺組織内に侵入中の病変, b) 虫体が組織内を穿行・移動することにより生じた病変, c) 虫体侵入部に組織の軟化融解が起きて空洞を形成する病変, d) 空洞の内周に肉芽組織ないし結合織が増生し次第に完全な虫嚢形成に至らんとする病変, を包括していた.これを要するに,肺吸虫が終宿主(テン)の肺に侵入してから,虫嚢完成直前までの各種段階の病変を網羅することが判明した. 小型虫における子宮内の卵含蔵の有無及びその性状,病巣組織への産卵の有無・程度などからみて,体長2.5~3.0mmの虫体は未成熟であり,3.0mmを越えるといくぶん発育の度が進み,4.0mm以上になると一応成熟に達する.すなわち,いわゆる小型虫には未熟虫と成熟直後の若成虫の双方を包括することが分った.ところで,なぜこのような小型虫の侵入・寄生を認めたかの理由については,テンが宮崎肺吸虫の好適宿主である点からみて,虫体の肺侵入後の日数が比較的短いためであり,他の理由はないと考える. なお供試肺に認めた2・3の病理像に関し,文献学的考察を試みた.In the autopsy on 64 heads of Japanese marten (Martes melampus melampus) , caught in Miyazaki Prefecture, the natural infection of Pargonimus was recognized in the lungs of 14 examples, but in 4 examples of them the very small worms of body length 2.5-4.0mm invaded and parasitized. From the result of histological observation of these small worms, it was clarified that there are both worms of undeveloped genital organ (namely immature worm) and of the uterus of which contains already eggs (namely worm soon after the maturity and called young adult stage). Thereupon, the lesions of lung caused by these small worms are different from the uniform pathologic feature caused by adult worms (described in the 1st report), and they contain some following pathological findings. Namely, (i) lesions in which worms are now invading in pulmonary tissue (lesions of worm invading part), (ii) lesions caused by penetration and migration of worm in pulmonary tissue (lesions caused by migrating worms), (iii) the one in which the fissure or the cavity appears in the tissue of lung with the invasion of worm (softening colliquative lesions in the tissue of lung), (iv) the one in which the hyperplasia of granulation tissue was initiated on a part of surrounding inner wall of fissure and cavity (finding on the primary stage of formation of worm-cyst), and (v) the one in which the hyperplasia of granulation tissue or connective tissue progressed on the greater part of worm-cyst (findings on the middle stage of cyst formation or just before the completion of cyst formation). As mentioned above, they contained comprehensive lesions of each stage, from the stage at which Paragonimus invaded the lung of final host (Japanese marten) up to the completion of wormcyst with the development of worm itself. From estimation of the form of eggs contained in the uterus of young adult stage and the feature of cuticular spines of the small worms, it is decided that the sort of worm is Paragonimus miyazakii as in the case of adult worm (described in the 1st report). Since Japanese marten is the suitable host for P. miyazakii, the fact that small worm was thus found in the lung is due to that days after invasion are short (normely new), but the other reason is not considered.
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