Concinnum tenが寄生するテン膵管の病理学的所見
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宮崎県下に生息するテン(Martes melampus melampus)の膵管には,小型の吸虫であるConcinnum ten (Yamaguti, 1939) が極めて高率に寄生する.寄生膵28例について観察の結果,寄生数は1頭当り数100匹から1,000匹以上の多数の場合が多い.これら多数の虫体の寄生によって膵管は著しく拡張するが,管壁の肥厚は割合に軽い.粘膜の病変は一般にmildであり,虫体の圧迫により上皮が磨耗平坦化するか,あるいは短乳し状の腺性増殖と若干の陰窩形成をみる程度で,細胞浸潤は軽い. これを要するに, C.ten症の病理像としては, 虫体の器械的作用に基づく変化が主であり,炎症性変化はあまり目立たない.ただし病変そのものは軽くても,膵管の閉塞により膵液分泌が著しく阻害されるので,臨床上の悪影響は免れえないであろう.Since in the pancreatic duct of Japanese wild carnivorus animals such as raccoon dog, red fox, weasel, badger, and Japanese marten, the parasitism of Concinnum ten (Yamaguti, 1939) which is the very small fluke has been reported. We researched 64 heads of Japanese marten (Martes melampus melampus) caught in Miyazaki Prefecture in the hunting season of 1974-1975, and recognized the parasitism of C. ten in high percentage of 98.4. On the other hand, the parasitism of nematode (Tetragomphius sp.) in the pancreatic duct of Japanese marten was also recognized. There were not a few cases with mixed parasitism of both parasites. In order to observe the lesions caused purely by the parasitism of C. ten, the pathological inspection was carried out on 28 samples except the samples of mixed parasitism. In the case of classification by degree of parasitism (many or few of parasitism number) on 28 samples used for research, there were 21 samples of high degree, 2 samples of moderate degree and 5 samples of low degree, thus the samples of high degree were most. Parasitism number of high degree samples attained over 1, 000 parasites, therefore the pancreatic duct enlarged markedly. According to the observation on such section of pancreatic duct, the flukes are filled and the cavity of duct shows the state of blockade. But, against the marked enlargement of cavity the hypertrophy of wall is slight. The mucous membrane of parasitized pancreatic duct is divided into following three types on the histological findings. Namely, i) the free edge of mucous membrane is worn out by the pressure of parasite body and the epithelial line is flattened; ii) the glandular hyperplasia of epithelium is caused by the stimulation of parasite body and the crypt develops. And, the branched tubular glandular structure is marked on the tunica propria mucosae; iii) as the middle form of above two cases. The case of i) is most, the case of iii) is next, and the case of ii) is very few. The cell infiltration of tunica propria mucosae such as lymphocyte, plasmacyte, eosinocyte and others is slight. The hypertrophy of layer of connective tissue surrounding the outside of mucous membrane is also generally slight, and therefore the hypertrophy of interlobular connective tissue is scarcely recognized. In short, the parasitism of C. ten invited only the enlargement of pancreatic duct by the mechanical action of parasite body and some inflammatory changes on the wall of duct, but it does not caused so heavy lesions as found in the case of Tetragomphius sp..
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