Growth of Suspension Cultured Cell of Populus euphratica, Populus alba cv. Pyramidalis and Populus maximowiczii×Populus plantierensis in NaCl Containing Medium
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Populus euphratica, Populus alba cv. Pyramidalis, Populus maximowiczii×Populus plantierensisの3種のポプラの培養細胞について,培地へのNaClの添加量を徐々に増加させた場合の耐性を評価した。NaClを添加した最初の培養では,P. euphratica, P. maximowiczii×P. plantierensisの細胞は,200mMのNaCl添加では成長が著しく抑制された。また,P. alba cv. Pyramidalisの細胞では150mMのNaCl添加で成長が抑制された。しかし,培養を繰り返すうちに細胞はNaClに対する適応性を発達させ,6回目の継代培養終了時には,P. euphraticaの細胞は200mM, P. alba cv. Pyramidalisの細胞は150mMのNaCl添加培地でも良好な成長が可能になった。しかし,P. maximowiczii×P. plantierensisの細胞は,100mMまででしか良好な成長を示さなくなった。高NaCl条件下において種ごとの細胞成長に違いが見られたが,すべての種において9回目の継代培養において200mMのNaCl条件下での細胞の生存が確認された。また,NaCl200mMで培養された細胞は,5回から6回目の継代培養後でもカルスの再生能力を有していた。特に,P. euphraticaではNaCl250mMの条件で培養した細胞からもカルスが再生した。Tolerance for gradually increasing NaCl stress was evaluated for the suspension cultured cells of Populus euphratica, Populus alba cv. Pyramidalis and Populus maximowiczii×Populus plantierensis. In the first culture in a medium containing more than 200 mM NaCl, growth of P. euphratica and P. maximowiczii×P. plantierensis cells was remarkably suppressed. Growth of P. alba cv. Pyramidalis cells was suppressed in a medium containing more than 150mM NaCl. During the subculture, P. euphratica and in P. alba cv. Pyramidalis cells developed their adaptability for NaCl stress. At the end of the sixth subculture, P. euphratica could grow well in a medium containing 200mM NaCl and P. alba cv. Pyramidalis could grow well in a medium containing 150mM NaCl. On the other hand, P. maximowiczii×P. plantierensis reduced its adaptability for NaCl concentration to 100mM. Although there were differences between species in their ability of cell growth under high NaCl concentration, cells could survive in 200mM NaCl after the ninth subculture in every species. Particularly P. euphratica could divide even in a medium containing 250mM NaCl. Such surviving cells still have the ability for callus regeneration after the fifth or sixth subculture.
Ide Y
Univ. Tokyo
Ide Yuji
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Ide Yuji
Laboratory Of Forest Ecosystem Studies Department Of Ecosystem Studies Graduate School Of Agricultur
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