Establishment of a Tissue Culture System of Populus euphratica Oliv
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Populus euphraticaの標準的な培養系を確立した。温室内における水耕栽培によって育てたP. euphraticaの苗からえき芽のついた茎軸の小片を切り分け,表面殺菌後BAPを添加したMSあるいは1/2MS培地に植え付けた。その結果,1/2MSにBAPを0.25mg/l単独で,あるいは0.05mg/lのNAAとともに添加した培地が,シュートの伸長とマルチプルシュートの形成に最も適していた。0.8mg/lのBAPを添加した1/2MS培地で一旦継代培養した後,継代培養に適した培地条件を検討した。その結果,0.2mg/lのBAPを添加した培地でもっともガラス化するシュートの割合が少なく健全なシュートが得られた。BAPを含まない培地ではNAAの添加の有無に関わらずシュートからの発根が認められた。NAAを0.01mg/l添加した場合には発根率がもっとも高く90%に達した。得られた植物体は,ほぼ100%順化が可能であり,温室内に置いて3ヶ月後には50~80cmの苗木に育った。A standard tissue culture system of Populus euphratica was established. Stem segments with axillary buds were excised from seedlings grown hydroponically in a greenhouse. They were surface-sterilized and cultured on MS or 1/2MS medium supplemented with various concentrations of BAP and NAA. Among the tested media, 1/2MS with 0.25mg/l of BAP alone or in combination with 0.05mg/l of NAA were optimal for shoot elongation and multiple shoot formation. After subculture on 1/2MS with 0.8mg/l of BAP, the optimal BAP and NAA concentration was surveyed for rapid clonal propagation. Shoots grew most healthily and the rate of vitrification was the lowest on the 1/2MS medium supplemented with 0.2mg/l of BAP. Rooting occurred on media without BAP irrespective of NAA concentration. The ratio of rooted shoots increased up to the highest of 90% at the concentration of 0.01mg/l NAA after three weeks of culture. Almost all plantlets were successfully acclimatized and grew into 50-80cm tall saplings in a greenhouse three months after transplanting to the potting soil.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,Department of Forest Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo,Asian Natural Environmental Science Center, The University of Tokyo,University Forests in Chiba, Fの論文
Kojima Katsumi
Asian Natural Environmental Science Center The University Of Tokyo
sasaki Satohiko
College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University
Sasaki Satohiko
College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
Kojima Kenji
Asian Natural Environmental Science Center The University Of Tokyo
Ide Yuji
Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Ide Yuji
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Ide Yuji
Laboratory Of Forest Ecosystem Studies Department Of Ecosystem Studies Graduate School Of Agricultur
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