- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to investigate the diurnal changes in the ultrastructure of the pineal gland, one and two months of age, eighteen young chicks were used at the light periods and the dark periods under the experimental photoperiod (LD 12 : 12). The results obtained are summerized as follows: 1. In light microscopy, the pineal glands of young chicks are composed of the parenchymal cells and large follilcles of long tubulofollicular type, conspicuously in the pedunculus of the glands. Occasionally, mitotic cells are found among the follicular cells. 2. In electron microscopy, the sensory-like pinealocytes are pear-shaped and have a cilium with 9+0 axial configulation, which project into the lumen. Their cytoplasm have many cell organelles, small dense-cored vesicles about 100nm in diameter and synaptic ribbons. The concentric lamellar complexes are frequently observed in the follicular lumen, and which contact with the cilia and the head portions of the pinealocytes. It is very interesting fact that such lamellar structures of the pineal gland of chicks are extremely similar to those of the outer segments of the visual cells of the dorsal eyes in Molluscan, Onchidium verruculatum Cuvier. The secretory-like supporting cells have irregular-shaped microvilli and some cored-vesicles about 200nm in diameter in the vicinity of the apical surfaces. 3. A few ordinary nerve cells are occasionally found in the pineal parenchyma. They are large oval in shape and have some Nissl bodies in pale cytoplasm. 4. It was found that in electron microscopy the pinealocytes of young chicks have many mitochondria, well-developed Golgi complexes and large lysosomes in solid type in the light periods, whereas they have a few cell organelles and somewhat smaller rods-like lysosomes with some vacuoles in the dark periods. On the other hand, the pinealocytes have more synaptic ribbons in the dark periods than in the light periods. From the above finding, It seems likely that the ultrastructure of the pineal glands of young chicks may have sensory capability and also correlate with photo-periodic rhythm.
- 信州大学農学部の論文
- 1979-12-25
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