ニホンカモシカ(Capricornis crispus)の骨格に関する研究 IV 頭蓋(頭蓋骨・顔面骨)について
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ニホンカモシカの骨格の形態学的研究の一環として,前肢骨,後肢骨,胴骨(脊柱・肋骨・胸骨)に引き続き,今回は頭蓋について調査研究を行ない,図譜を作成した。1.カモシカの頭蓋は頭蓋骨と顔面骨よりなり,頭蓋骨は後頭骨,頭頂間骨,底蝶形骨,前蝶形骨,翼状骨,側頭骨,頭頂骨,前頭骨,飾骨および鋤骨から,顔面骨は鼻骨,涙骨,上顎骨,腹鼻甲介骨,切歯骨,口蓋骨,頬骨,下顎骨および舌骨から構成されていた。2.カモシカの頭蓋には,雌雄ともに比較的小形の角(骨格としては前頭骨の角突起)が存在していた。カモシカの頭蓋骨の骨の厚さは,板間層が薄いため,ヤギに比べると非常に薄かった。カモシカの頭蓋の最大幅は,頬骨弓から眼窩下縁にかけての左右の両端間の距離であった。カモシカの頭蓋の中での眼窩の占める位置は,ヒツジのものより前位に存在していた。カモシカの眼窩縁はヤギほど外側に突出していなかった。カモシカの頭蓋の縫合の状態は,ヤギやヒツジよりも凹凸の程度が深かった。3.カモシカの頭蓋骨では,次の部位でヤギやヒツジと差違が誌められた。後頭骨,頭頂部,項稜,外後頭隆起,外後頭稜,大孔,後頭願,顯労突起(多くの家畜解剖書で頸静脈突起とされている部位),筋結節。前蝶形骨と底蝶形骨翼交叉溝,視神経管,トルコ鞍,鞍背,卵円孔。翼状骨:翼突切痕,翼突鈎。側頭骨:岩様部,乳様突起,鼓室胞,外耳孔,破裂孔,側頭稜,頬骨突起,下顎窩。頭頂骨:側頭線,背矢状洞溝。前頭骨:角突起とその位置,鼻骨縁,眼窩上孔。飴}骨:鶏冠,中鼻甲介の大きさ。鋤骨:ヒツジより長い。4.カモシカの顔面骨では,次の部位でヤギやヒツジと差違がみられた。鼻骨:短い,上顎骨との縫合部,先端がウシのように二叉になっている個体もいた。涙骨:外涙窩,涙胞。上顎骨:顔結節,眼窩下孔,切歯との縫合部,口蓋突起。腹鼻甲介骨:大きさ。切歯骨:口蓋突起。口蓋骨:蝶口蓋切痕,大口蓋孔,小口蓋孔。頬骨:眼窩前下壁。下顎骨:オトガイ孔,下顎体と下顎枝の境界部に結節(下顎結節Tuber mandibulare)が存在,下顎枝,筋突起,関節突起,下顎頭,下顎孔。5.カモシカの頭蓋の出入孔について記述した(114,115頁)。家畜解剖学用語(NAVJ)やNicke1らは,反鯛類家畜には破裂孔は存在しないとしているが,カモシカでは,後頭骨底部,側頭骨および蝶形骨の間に,破裂孔が存在していた。カモシカの破裂孔は後方で,頸静脈孔と交通していたが,前方では卵円孔と隔離されていた。本研究は今回で終了し,ニホンカモシカの骨格に関する研究と日本における最初の骨格解剖図譜を完成させた。骨の名称は家畜解剖学用語(1981)に準拠した。The bones of the head were investigated, following the reports on the skeleton of the appendicular and the trunk of the Japanese serow (J. Fac. Agric., Shinshu Univ. vol. 20, 173;1983, vol. 21, 59 and 119;1984). 1. The Nomina Anatomica Veterixiaria 2nd Ed. (1972) divides the skull into the cranial and the facial bones. The cranial bones of the Japanese serow were composed of the occipital, interparietal, basisphenoid, presphenoid, pterygoid, temporal, parietal, frontal, ethomoid and vomer. The facial bones of the animal were composed of the nasal, ventral nasal concha, maxilla, lacrimal, incisive (premaxilla), palatine, zygomatic, mandibule and hyoid. 2. In both male and femal Japanese serows, the skull had relatively small paired horns (cornual process of the frontal bones). The cranial vault of the Japanese serow was very thin dipoe, while that of the domestic goat was thick. The breath across the zygomatic arch was the widest in the skull of the Japanese serow. The position of the orbital cavity in the skull of the Japanese serow was more rostral part than that of the domestic sheep. The sutures in the skull of the Japanese serow were a more serrated appearance than they did in the domestic goat and sheep. 3. The cranial bones of the Japanese serow were distinguished from those of the domestic goat and sheep in the following points: Occipital Bone; squamous part, nuchal crest, external occipital protuberance, external occipital crest, foramen magnum, occipital condyles, paracondyloid process (jugular process was used on many anatomical textbooks of the domestic animals), muscular tubercles. Presphenoid and Basisphenoid Bones; ala, optic groove, optic canal, sella turcica, dorsum sellae, foramen ovale, foramen orbitorotundum. Pterygoid Bone; pterygoid incisure, hamulus. Temporal Bone; petrous part, mastoid process, tympanic bulla, external acoustic meatus, foramen lacerum, temporal crest, zygomatic process, mandibula fossa. Parietal Bone; temporal line, sulcus sinus sagittalis dorsalis. Frontal Bone; cornual process, nasal margin. Ethmoid Bone; crista galli, middle nasal concha. Vomer; length. 4. The facial bones of the Japanese serow were distinguished from those of the domestic goat and sheep in the following points: Nasal Bone; length, suture with maxilla, occasionally two parts by deep notch in the anterior end. Lacrimal Bone; external lacrimal fossa (infraorbital fossa), lacrimal bulla. Maxilla; facial tuberosity, foramen infraorbitale, suture with incisi bone, palatine process. Ventral Nasal Conchal Bone; size. Incisi Bone; palatine process. Palatine Bone; sphenopalatine notch, major and minor palatine foramina. Zygomatic Bone; antero-ventral border of orbita. Mandibula; mental foramen, mandibular tuberosity (near the junction of the body and the rami), mandibular rami, coronoid process, condyloid process, mandibular head (caput mandibulae), mandibular foramen. 5. The canals and foramina in the skull of the Japanese serow were investigated as follows: Occipital Bone; foramen magnum, canalis nervi hypoglossi, canalis condylaris, foramen mastoideum, foramen jugulare. Presphenoid and Basisphenoid Bones; foramen ovale, foramen orbitorotundum, canalis opticus. Temporal Bone; foramen lacerum, meatus temporalis, foramen retroarticulare, porus acusticus externus, porus acusticus internus, canalis musculotubarius, foramen stylomastoideum, canalis facialis, canaliculus tympanicus. Frontal Bone; foramen ethmoidale, foramen supraorbitale, canalis supraorbitalis. Ethmoid Bone; lamina cribrosa (cribriform foramina). Lacrimal Bone; foramen lacrimale, canalis lacrimalis. Maxilla; foramen infraorbitale, canalis infraorbitalis, canalis alveolaris, foramina alveolaria, foramen maxillare. Palatine Bone; foramen palatinum caudale, foramen palatinum majus, canalis palatinus major, choanae, canalis nasolacrimalis, foramen sphenopalatinum, foramina palatina minora. Mandibula; foramen mandibulae, canalis mandibulae, foramen mentale. The foramen lacerum in the skull of the Japanese serow was presented obviously, while the foramen was absent in the domestic goat, sheep and cattle on the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria. In this study, an anatomical investigation and the first skeletal atlas of the Japanese serow were completed. The nomenclature was based on the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria Japonica (1981).
- 1985-12-25
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- ニホンカモシカ(Capricornis crispus)の骨格に関する研究 III 胴骨(脊柱・肋骨・胸骨)について
- ニホンカモシカ(Capricornis crispus)の骨格に関する研究 II 後肢骨について
- ニホンカモシカ(Capricornis crispus)の骨格に関する研究 I 前肢骨について
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