獣医関係巻物に関する研究 1長野県駒ヶ根,笹古家の安西流安驥巻物について
- 論文の詳細を見る
Nagano-ken (Shinano no kuni) was very famous for a horse breeding area in Japan. In January 1972, an old scroll of horse medicine was found from an old family, the Sasakos, at Komagane, Nagano-ken. The scroll was copied in 1710 from the original by Harimano-Kami Ansai in 1579. The basic feature of the scroll is founded on the traditional Chinese horse medicine and Buddhism. It has several sections. First; the summarized graph of the Chinese five natural elements such as fire, wood, earth, metal and water. Second; the anatomical charts of the five parenchymatous organs and six viscera, the pictures of a horse body, horse's face, Buddha's face, the five storied stone Pagoda (Stupa) and [ア] (sanskrit). These are divided respectively by the five colors (blue, red, white, black and yellow), and the parts of the same color of each picture are connected with a same color line. Third; explanatory notes and diagrams of interrelationships of seasons, the old calender, Buddhism, the body and diseases with the five natural elements. Fourth; two pictures of the horse body show points for acupuncture. Fifth; the aim of the arrangement of this scroll was to summarize concisely from the Ankishu (the name of Chinese horse medicne). Lastly; names of authorized scholars of this School, The founder was Memyo Bosa-tsu (Asvaghosa) in India. Successors; Sanzo priest in Tang (China), Funsen (a Japanese Buddhist priest) etc. , and the scroll was kept in the Ansai School. The scroll shows that one horse medicine in Japan was brought directly from China.
- 信州大学農学部の論文
- 1974-12-25
- 気管支喘息における難治化因子の心身医学的検討(呼吸器(3))
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- 獣医関係巻物に関する研究 1長野県駒ヶ根,笹古家の安西流安驥巻物について
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