Dioxin Concentration in the Blood of Patients Collected during Medical Check-up for Yusho in 2004-2005
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特集号 油症とPCB及びダイオキシン関連化合物 研究報告 第21集We measured the concentrations of polychlorinated dizenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs),polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs),and non-ortho coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (non-ortho PCBs) in blood collected from 242 Yusho patients and 74 Yushosuspected persons in 2004 and 237 Yusho patients and 114 Yusho-suspected persons in 2005. The sums of toxic equivalents (TEQ) concentrations of PCDDs, PCDFs, and non-ortho PCBs in the blood of Yusho patients in 2004 and 2005 were 126.1 and 124.2 pg TEQ/g lipid, respectively, and the concentrations were 3.4 and 3.3 times higher than those of normal controls that had been previously reported, respectively. Those of the Yusho-suspected persons were about 0.8 and 1.0 times higher than those of normal controls, respectively. Although the TEQ concentrations of PCDDs and non-ortho PCBs among Yusho patients, Yusho-suspected persons,and normal controls were nearly the same,the PCDFs levels of Yusho patients were about 9.8 and 9.5 times higher than those of normal controls in 2004 and 2005,respectively. The concentration of 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran (2,3,4,7,8- PeCDF),which was the highest among PCDFs congeners for Yusho patients,was about 10. 6 and 10.2 times higher than that of the normal controls in 2004 and 2005,respectively. In the case of Yusho-suspected persons, the concentrations were 0.9 and 1.4 times higher than those of normal controls, respectively. However, some of the Yusho-suspected persons showed a high concentration of 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF that was approximately 15 times greater than concentrations in normal controls. Of 74 Yusho-suspected persons measured in 2004, 7 persons were officially registered as Yusho patients based on the “New Diagnostic Criteria”that officially became the diagnostic criteria for Yusho exposure on September 29,2004,which included a concentration of 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF in the blood,and in 2005, 14 persons of 114 Yusho-suspected persons were officially registered as Yusho patients.平成16年度に日本在住の242名の油症患者と74名の未認定者および平成17年度に日本在住の237名の油症患者と114名の未認定者から採取した血液中のPCDDs,PCDFs,およびnon-orthoPCBs濃度を測定し,平成15年度に測定した一般健常人の結果と比較した.平成16および17年度に受診した油症患者の血液中PCDDs,PCDFs,およびnon-ortho PCBsの総toxic equivalents(TEQ) 濃度は,それぞれ126.1および124.2 pg TEQ/g lipidで,その濃度は一般健常人のそれぞれ3.4倍および3.3倍であった.未認定者の場合,総TEQ濃度は,それぞれ一般健常人の0.8倍および1.0倍であった.油症患者の血液中PCDDsおよびnon-ortho PCBs濃度は,ほぼ健常人と同レベルなのに対し,PCDFs濃度は一般健常人のそれぞれ9.8倍(平成16年)および9.5倍(平成17年)高い値を示した.油症患者の血液中PCDFs異性体間で特に高濃度を示す2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran(2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF)は,健常人のそれぞれ10.6倍(平成16年)および10.2倍(平成17年)高い値を示した.未認定者の2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 濃度は,健常人のそれぞれ0.9 倍および1.4倍であった.しかしながら,未認定者の中には一般健常人と比較して異常に高い2,3,4,7,8-PenCD 濃度を示す人が数名認められた.これまでに行った追跡調査の結果を基に,2,3,4,7,8-PenCDF濃度を追補した新しい診断基準が平成16年9月29 日に策定され,平成16年度に受診した74名の未認定者のうち7名が,平成17年度も114名の未認定者のうち14名が新たに油症認定者と診定された.
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