コアを意識させた授業実践からの示唆 -動詞に続くかたちとしての不定詞と動名詞から-
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper aims at suggesting the educational effects brought to the students through core-used class practices. Inthis paper, focusing on which to choose, infinitives or gerunds, as the appropriate form following verbs, I willinvestigate how a teaching approach in which the students have core-image makes an influence on the understandingand retention for choosing the correct form following verbs from infinitives and gerunds, compared to the approach inwhich grammar points are taught only formally and prescriptively. Examining the results of the tests held to thestudents, I will point out some different effects according to the two teaching approaches.
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- 沼津高専本科生の英語学習実態報告2
- コアを意識させた授業実践からの示唆 -動詞に続くかたちとしての不定詞と動名詞から-