化学・生物工学系の専攻科実験におけるPBL 型実験テーマの設定方法について
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For the engineering education, promotion of the engineering design ability is an important problem. Someexperiments based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) technique are thought to be effective for them. However, it isdifficult to set the appropriate themes for the experiments of chemistry and biotechnology. The author has conductedthe advanced course experiment of chemistry and biotechnology using the theme which teachers offer, the themewhich a student wishes, the theme about the technical consultation from the neighboring companies, etc. Now, thisexperiment is conducted by narrowing down the themes presented by the students, specifying a period and a budget,and making problem solving challenge with group work. The teachers are performing only the minimum instructionabout the techniques and safeties. The themes of the technical consultation from the neighboring companies are alsosuited to this experiment. From the results of the questionnaires, many of the attendance students thought thatsufficient surveys and predictions before the examination were very important for the solution of engineering problems.
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