灌漑管理における国家と共同体 : フィリピンの一灌漑システムの事例を中心として(1999年度シンポジウム アジアの中の日本(2)-水利組織と農村社会-)
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Unlike in the countries in East Asia, irrigation development in developing countries in tropical Asia has in general a short history. In the case of the Philippines, it dates back only to the 1950s, and the 1970s and the early 1980s saw the peak of irrigation construction created mainly by the inflow of large amount of foreign aid funds, which was induced by high rice prices in the world market in the late 1960s and the early 1970s. The success of the Green Revolution brought about the low-rice-price regime in the early 1980s, and the aid flow shrinking drastically in the early 1980s and thereafter, the irrigation systems constructed during the boom period have faced the danger of rapid deterioration due to inadequate system operation and maintenance. With such a difficulty, many developing countries in Asia have been trying to shift from the state management to the community management through creating irrigators' associations and delegating the management responsibility of irrigation systems to them. Our case study reveals that this new paradigm of involving beneficiary-farmers in the management of irrigation system has indeed a high social return, much higher than the state management does. It is however not easy to establish and sustain effective irrigators' associations in irrigation systems where rainfed rice farming had been practiced until a few decades ago. While there were some success cases in forming active associations, there were much more cases of failure. Our study points out a strong need for the public sector to invest in institutional extension, or community enhancing activities, for helping farmers organize effective irrigators' associations, for which respect the history of rural villages in Japan must be able to give various useful insights.
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- 神門報告へのコメント
- 灌漑管理における国家と共同体 : フィリピンの一灌漑システムの事例を中心として(1999年度シンポジウム アジアの中の日本(2)-水利組織と農村社会-)