- 論文の詳細を見る
Major efforts for agricultural development in toropical Asia during the past a few decades have been directed toward the development of irrigation infrastructure, which, coupled with the diffusion of seed-fertilizer technology, has brought about dramatic increases in rice production in this part of the world. After the era of Green Revolution, in which direction is the irrigation sector of monsoon Asia heading? This paper, first, argues that the irrigation sector is now at the 'management stage, ' as opposed to the preceding 'construction stage, ' and, second, points out some important factors which make the sector more productive and sustainable in this stage. Most crucial are how to improve the irrigation bureaucracy so as to make it more accountable to the farmers it serves, and how to ensure farmers' participation in the management of their irrigation schemes. Unless irrigation schemes are well managed, their possible adverse impacts on emvironment, such as salinity, could be serious.
- 日本熱帯農業学会の論文
- 1993-06-01
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