2A2-M04 足付き車輪での段差昇降ロボットの研究(特殊移動ロボット)
- 論文の詳細を見る
We have proposed and reported a new wheel-feet hybrid mechanism, named as Enhanced Wheel System(EWS), for passing through a step or stairs. In artificial environment, wheels are not able to pass through a step or stairs, but they are superior to legs or crawler moving in flat fastly. So we proposed that machine moving by wheels gets over a step or stairs by EWS. To climb up stairs or a step by the EWS, several 'feet' combined on each wheel are kept horizontal by parallel link mechanisms. In this paper, we proposed a more compact stair climbing robot by improving 'feet' locomotion following the tracks of square using property of a Reuleaux triangle and thought what is need to use new EWS to climb up a step or stairs.
- 2011-05-26
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