自閉症児へのオペラント条件づけ法の適用 : 完遂法および模倣学習の有効性(<特集>臨床的諸問題をめぐって)
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The purpose of this study is to show the process that a nonverbal infant diagnosed as an autistic child acquires words with applying operant conditioning procedures. The case is a two years and eleven months old infant who doesn't show any interpersonal behaviors, any plays with toys, but a few vocalization. The tasks of learning attitude and imitation learning were given in order to make him speak words spontaneously. The learning attitude is consisted of the tasks of eye-contact, calling, and sitting. The imitation learning is consisted of the tasks of motor and verbal imitations. The methods of shaping and fullfilment in the operant conditioning were used during all training procedures except the eyecontact task. Chocholate, ice-cream, dried milk, and juice were used as a reinforcer matched seasons. The training was run two days in a week for two years and four months. The results were as follows : 1) He learned to sit by our instruction and to reply to our calling as a formation of the learning attitude. 2) He acquired motor imitations such as lifting hand, beating drum, and verbal imitations such as "yes', "piano'. 3) He learned to speak words such as "piano', "inu", "isu", and "tukue". The methods of shaping, fullfilment, and imitation will be effective to make a severely autistic child acquire words.
- 日本行動療法学会の論文
- 1976-08-31
- B-3)情動のコミュニケーション : 協応運動法の適用(第17回日本心身医学会総会)
- 特殊教育教員養成大学・学部の実態(その2)(特殊教育教員養成問題研究委員会資料)
- 特殊教育教員養成大学・学部の実態(その1)(特殊教育教員養成問題研究委員会資料)
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- 病・虚弱(その2.児童の実態チェック調査及び職務分析,特殊教育教員養成問題研究委員会資料 養護・訓練に関する調査,特殊教育教員養成問題研究委員会資料)
- 病・虚弱(その1.養護・訓練に関する教員の意識調査,特殊教育教員養成問題研究委員会資料 養護・訓練に関する調査,特殊教育教員養成問題研究委員会資料)
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- 大阪教育大学教育研究所教育相談室の実情報告(第3報)
- 教育と医学
- 精神身体医学と小児科医
- 提案1.(特殊教育の現状と将来,全体シンポジュウム,日本特殊教育学会第7回大会シンポジュウム報告)
- 自閉症児へのオペラント条件づけの適用(II):発達段階に応じた遊びによる課題選定と強化子に関する検討(自閉症と行動療法)
- 自閉症児へのオペラント条件づけ法の適用 : 完遂法および模倣学習の有効性(臨床的諸問題をめぐって)
- 自閉症児の言語訓練(第7回日本行動療法学会大会一般演題抄録,行動分析・行動評価に関する問題)