- 論文の詳細を見る
Previous studies on procrastination have not differentiated between active and negative procrastinations, and there are few consistent studies about the influences of active procrastination on emotions. A total of 163 university students participated in our questionnaire survey, and the measures included General Procrastination Scale (GPS), Active Procrastination Scale (APS), Self-rating Depression Scale, and Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale. Factor analysis of 20-item GPS yielded a single-factor structure with 11 items and demonstrated good internal consistency. Factor analysis of APS resulted in three-factor solutions with factors identified as "pressure", "intentional decision" and"time control". Logistic regression analysis showed that depression was positively influenced by time control of APS and negatively by self-efficacy. The results suggested that procrastination, regardless of active or negative, increases the level of depression in university students.
- 2013-09-00
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