- 論文の詳細を見る
Sharing information on the intra-familial dynamics of the clients is essential to provide effective personal assistance. The purpose of this study is to examine the validity of a circle diagram for the assessment of family relationships. The participants were 99 students of a medical welfare college, and effective data was obtained from 82 participants. They were asked to construct a circle family diagram using three different sizes of round stickers that stand for each member of family, and to draw lines to connect them according to the strength of the relations. Then they were administered a familial relationship scale to rate relationships with father or mother, and between the parents. A contingency table analysis showed the significant associations between each index of familial relationship scale and relationship level using three kinds of lines. In conclusion, our circle diagram for family assessment is an easily administered and informative tool to visualize the familial dynamics regardless of family type.
大蔵 雅夫
重本 津多子
大蔵 雅夫
重本 津多子
重本 津多子/大蔵
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