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Collage technique has been applied in various clinical settings, and its therapeutic effects have been reported elsewhere. However, reflections of clients' emotional states into the works of collage have not been investigated so far. In the present study, we examined the relationship between profiles of the collage works and emotions such as depression or anxiety. A total of 67 graduate and postgraduate students participated in a session of collage therapy, and their depressive and anxiety levels were measured using Self-rating Depression Scale and State Trait Anxiety Inventory. Participants' depressive and anxiety levels were significantly decreased through the session. Homogeneity analysis of 50 profiles of the works and two emotional levels showed that depression was associated with "giving a title", "expressing the past", and "mark shaped-clipping", and that anxiety was associated with "expressing the feelings", "a work of story", "relations between the clippings", and "clippings with a theme of nature". These findings suggested that emotions such as depression or anxiety could be expressed in the works of collage even in nonclinical sample.
大蔵 雅夫
西浦 恵/大蔵
西浦 恵
西浦 恵
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