内的事項外的事項区分論と専門職主義の偏見 : 「教育学としての教育行政研究」批判についての批判的考察(特別機構論文,教育行政と他行政分野の連携と競合,I 年報フォーラム)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In a recent article, I noted that according to the "Interna-Externa" theory, a major framework of reference for the legal studies of educational administration, parents should delegate their rights of educating their own children to teachers, and teachers' activities should be free from administrative control. Unless the "Interna-Externa" theory entitles parents to their rights to refuse such a delegation to teachers, the "Interna-Externa" theory would mean that policy-making in education is exclusively the prerogative of professional educators. Public school choice is one of the ideas that, in fact, realizes the parents' right to refuse this delegation to teachers and is something done in order to check the prejudice of professionalism. Takahashi (2007) has criticized this argument concerning the "Interna-Externa" theory. He noted that: [A]lthough many critics assert that the legal study of education law has neglected practical conflicts among teachers, parents and students in schools, recent research in education law has grappled with those conflicts through the analysis of litigation for correcting school activities (p.345). Here I explain why Takahashi (2007) is totally incorrect. My conclusion is that Takahashi's argument, that the "Interna-Externa" theory is not in favor of the prerogative of professional educators, and the argument that the "Interna-Externa" theory does not make administrative activities passive is based on a misunderstanding of the cumulative studies of educational law and administration, has no ground. Moreover, when Takahashi wrote that I discribed the approach of the legal study of education as inevitably reaching a bureaucratized and standardized form of education, he misread and failed to understand my core argument.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 2008-10-10
- IV 学校運営協議会をめぐる動能的・能動的分析 : 指定討論者としての発言(学校のガバナンスとマネジメントに関する総合的研究-学校運営協議会の法制化に見る学校ガバナンスの思想と制度-, 日本教育学会第63回大会報告)
- 自由民権運動と教育(その三)
- 自由民権運動と教育
- 自由民権運動と教育(その2)
- 学校のガバナンスとマネジメントに関する総合的研究 : 学校運営協議会の法制化に見る学校ガバナンスの思想と制度(課題研究(2))
- 課題研究1 学校のガバナンスとマネジメントに関する総合的研究 (日本教育学会第62回大会報告)
- 学校のガバナンスとマネイジメントに関する総合的研究
- 教育行政制度原理の転換と教育行政学の課題(基調報告,戦後日本の教育行政研究(1)-義務教育学校「存立」の行政原理を問う,I 年報フォーラム)
- 『新しいタイプの公立学校-コミュニティ・スクール立案過程と選択による学校改革』, 同時代社=日日教育文庫, 2004年, 219頁(VIII 学会賞-受賞者による著書紹介)
- 内的事項外的事項区分論と専門職主義の偏見 : 「教育学としての教育行政研究」批判についての批判的考察(特別機構論文,教育行政と他行政分野の連携と競合,I 年報フォーラム)