発足期の指導主事と経験カリキュラム : 占頷下における指導主事養成の検討から(IV 研究報告)
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In Japan, so far, various studies have been conducted on the shidosyuji (supervisor or teacher consultant) system in relation to its condition, legal system, qualification, in-service education, position and so on. And the studies have insisted that a shidosyuji should be a consultant or a aid to teachers. But they have not been able to indicate effective ways to realize that. The reason is that they have failed to notice that. The nature of a shidosyuji is based on types of curriculums. It was CIE that tried to change former inspectors (shigaku) into true assistants for teachers, or teachers' consultants. CIE thus instructed the Ministry of Education to change "inspector" into "teacher consultant", and added a provison which said "but they shall issue no orders and make no inspections", in the article of the Board of Education Law. The purpose of this study is to make clear that a relation between the nature of a shidosyuji and a type of a curriculum, by examing trainings for their duties during occupation period to find what CIE had expected of them. After founding the teacher consultant system, CIE needed to prepare teacher consultants, or to educate them. The trainings for teacher consultants under the occupation period were conducted by the IFEL (the Institute for Educational Leadership) and through guidebooks for them published by the Ministry of Education. IFEL consisted of intensive lectures and workshops over a period of 12 weeks, held in 8 sessions, and students of courses for teacher consultants were 1,877 in total. Especially the first and second sessions were prepared, operated, and strongly controled by CIE. Thus in this paper, I studied the contents of these two sessions. As for guidebooks, there were two. One was the "Handbook for Teacher Consultants", and the other was "The Work of the Teacher Consultant". Both of them were made under the strong initiative and supervision of CIE. At IFEL and through the guidebooks, they especially learned the experience curriculum more than the work of a teacher consultants itself. Because CIE wanted them not only to prevail it but also to become a helper for curriculum developments. With the experience curriculum, which is composed according to needs of a community and the actual experiences of the children, the administration of curriculum should be decentralized. Such a curriculum can be made by teachers. There a shidosyuji is needed as a teacher consultant to help them in developing curriculums. On the contrary, under a subject curriculum, wherein scopes and sequences are organized according to the principles of learnings and which is built on the premise that common materials for all students to study exists, a shidosyuji should be a director or a competent leader and can not be a consultant on the teachers' side. Originally, teacher consultant was prescribed as a consultant on the teachers' side. But as mentioned above, it was linked to the "new education", or experience education. Thus a shidosyuji as a teacher consultant was founded on the experience curriculum.
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