- 論文の詳細を見る
The main causes of maritime accidents are derived from insufficient surveillance. In a narrow channel, there are a lot of opportunities which a ship encounters other ships. Therefore, we need to pay attention to steer ships sufficiently. In this situation, the ship watchers convey accurate information to the ship pilots, then, ship pilots have to provide direction of steering precisely. It is not easy to determine the surrounding circumstances and give instructions to steer the ship in a short time. Therefore, it is needed that the system to support surveillances which shorten the time of transmitting the circumstances to the ship pilots. In this study, we will generate the 3-D surveillance model of acquired images with surveillance cameras which set up for all directions on the ship and radar images, and we propose a new method to display information around a ship. In this experiment, We have tested our proposed system with actual images at "Shioji-maru".
- 2012-09-25
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