"見張り"行動に船体動揺が及ぼす影響について : 小型船より撮影した画像観察時の視覚的注意
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We examined the effect of body roll on visual attention while viewing a motion picture. The picture was a scene along a water route that was videotaped from a deck of a ship whose vessel speed was about 13kt. Six observers viewed the pictures projected on a screen and were asked to detect a small target that was presented on the pictures for 1.5sec as soon as possible. The target was presented 13 times on average at a certain place in the picture and a certain period while the picture was viewed. Observer's body position was rolled by means of the motion base that was moved sinusoidally with an amplitude of 5 or 10 degree of arc and with a frequency was 0.07, 0.10, or 0.20Hz, while the observer viewing the picture. The results showed that 1) the reaction time to the target for the amplitude of 10 degree decreased as a function of the frequency whereas that for the amplitude of 5 degree was relatively constant irrespective of the amplitude, 2) the number of the trials where the observers failed to detect the target (or "response-error") was not different among conditions. These results suggest that body sway of an observer has an effect on visual attention when its amplitude is relatively large and the two indexes of visual attention (reaction time and response error) may not be mediated in the same process.
- 2011-09-25
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