〔研究ノート〕 ニューヨーク,ボストンにおける自閉症児教育- 多様な教育プログラムと保護者による選択 -
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Abstract In this paper, we review the literature regarding the education of autistic children, summarize information obtained from an inspection of educational facilities for autistic children in the United States, and point out possible problems in the treatment of autistic children. Various educational programs for autistic children, including ABA(Applied Behavior Analysis), TEACCH(Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children), and DIR(The Developmental, Individual Difference, Relationship-Based model), were developed in America, and that they are effective has been confirmed. For children aged 3-21 with disabilities, the federal government provides appropriate public education free of charge, as is guaranteed in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. However, parents of autistic children are required to have specialized knowledge about their child's disabilities and rehabilitation, and to have the ability to effectively take advantage of social resources. We also consider the question of whether too much emphasis is placed on educational programs tailored to individual students at the expense of the possible beneficial effects of mass education.
- 2012-06-01
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- 〔研究ノート〕 ニューヨーク,ボストンにおける自閉症児教育- 多様な教育プログラムと保護者による選択 -
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