思考教授プログラムにおける思考技能の構造と教材内容 : アメリカ教材の分析を中心に
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The development of thinking skills requires more than a mere coverage of content. A review of the history of teaching thinking reveals three different perspectives: philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical concerns. Today, thinking skills programs are developed from the psychological perspective. This paper focuses on an analysis of thinking skills programs in America from the following three perspectives. 1) Overview of reseach and practice on current programs for teaching thinking 2) The rationale and content of the program "Thinking Skills: Making a Choice" 3) Characteristics and problems for developing thinking skills programs The development of thinking skills instruction was rooted in new curricular programs in the 1960s. But since the 1980s, the teaching thinking movement has been reemphasized as the "New Basics". The activities of thinking skills programs are content-free, nonverbal, specific for each thinking skill, open-ended, and individual. "Thinking Skills: Making a Choice" (C. E. Wales et al.) is written for students to teach thinking skills. He thought of higher order thinking as the process of decision making, and presented the hierarchy of thinking strategies. This program consists of three parts: 1) solving open-ended problem, 2) research and practice, and 3) human development and problem solving. Students read each problem and act according to the "Guided Design" instruction. Thinking skills programs are based on the research in the nature of thinking and learning. They are remedial and easy for all students to do. In particular, integrated thinking skills are presented and taught in "Thinking Skills: Making a Choice." But sometimes they have a tendency to be routine work. So students are not interested in or motivated by the program. It is hoped that it will incorporate thinking skills into the subject matter. For example, cross curriculum will be suitable for developing a thinking skills program.
- 日本カリキュラム学会の論文
- 1998-03-31
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