Effective Instruction of Public Speaking グループ活動を生かしたパブリック・スピーキング指導の研究
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This paper explores the instruction of public speaking in a large-size class. The author has been in charge of the speech classes,SPEECH III and SPEECH IV mainly for the second year students at Miyazaki Municipal University for several years. At the preparation stage of SPEECH III, and IV, he intended that the class size was about 30 students as one group in the lecture style. But, in reality, more than 50 students took the course. Then he had to rethink the way of teaching. To solve the problem of large-size class in speaking instruction, introduction of group activities was considered.First of all, the aims and outline of SPEECH courses that consist of six courses are described. The students who take SPEECH learn pronunciations, speech making and performances, and debate step by step continuously in the span of 3 years. Secondly, group activities in SPEECH III and IV are explained. Especially, effectiveness of the group activities is argued.
- 2012-03-02
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- Effective Instruction of Public Speaking グループ活動を生かしたパブリック・スピーキング指導の研究
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