教養教育の授業における学生の主体性形成 : 学習共同体での役割の再構築に着目して
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This paper examines (1) what kind of" role" students play in cooperative learning, and (2) what kind of" stumbles" theyface in their learning in a students-centered education as part of the general education of a university. The role is one of the veryimportant viewpoints in learning theory, and students cannot develop their learning without various stumbles, compromises, andeven failures as well.In this case, students faced three stumbles", Gap between students,"" Making their activity autotelic", and" Downwardrevisions of their learning target". In these stumbles, to bring students' various opinions to a better conclusion, a studenttried to explain his own opinion to make the other members consent, and another student tried to coordinate members'various ideas in discussion in class time or various schedules to meet for discussion outside the class time. It is thought thatthey tried to take a suitable role and to play it, but they could not do it well.In these stumbles they tried to change their role to make the idea of their group advanced in the class, or tried toacquire the ability to overcome the stumbles at other classes and internships after this class had ended, or evaluated thestumbles affirmatively and assumed the stumbles to be an index of their learning and life afterwards.Through this case, we can see that these stumbles offer opportunities for students to be autonomous and cooperativesubjects on their learning. So, a stumble is not a" failure of learning" or" what the teacher should exclude". The stumbleoffers the possibility that the general education curriculum can be reconstructed from the viewpoint of students' learning.
- 2011-12-01
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