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This study investigates what effects are seen in the pedagogical tasks presented in the current textbooks, so that English teachers can implement the tasks to meet their actual needs. This study analyzes the tasks in eight Japanese high school textbooks used for oral communication and six ESL course books, attempting to clarify what task characteristics (Kawai, Hirata, Arai, Yokoyama, & Ohba, 2002) are most commonly seen in those textbooks. In addition, the present study examines task characteristics and planning conditions in several studies (e.g., Foster & Skehan, 1996), to investigate how they were related to the language performance, i.e., fluency, accuracy, complexity and negotiation. The results indicated that most of the tasks in the Japanese high school textbooks are characterized to have one-way information distribution, operations of retrieval, and few elements, and thus have positive effects on fluency. On the other hand, the tasks in the ESL course book vary in terms of characteristics even from the beginning level, but most of them have two-way information distribution, operations of transformation, and many elements, and thus have positive effects on complexity and accuracy. The review of influential task studies suggests that it is possible for language teachers to control the following four aspects of language performance: fluency, accuracy, complexity and negotiation process, if they change characteristics of a task and/or the task planning (Yuan & Ellis, 2003).
- 社団法人大学英語教育学会の論文
- 2007-01-30
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